Monday, October 29, 2007

Annual House Cleaning in 61 House

Objective : To clean our dirty house and rearrange the messy furniture.
Participant : HJ, BK, BY, Jun, HL, Wil, Janet, Jerome, Jacob, Lance and Me.
Place : 61 House
Date : 21-10-2007

The cleaning started with a movement by our future lawyer Law and BK (aka The Rock) to move everything out to the hall. This movement was supported by, future lawyer and future wife of lawyer Law, Janet.

As this movement is going on, another group of support started to clean the yard outside the house.

This is what happen during the cleaning.

All the books

The socks, shoes and helmet.

Anything in here is going to out here. JK.

This is what it looks like when you don't clean your house for years.

The kitchen.

Whose hand is it anyway???


What are those two doing there?? Dancing with a broom?

HJ trying to show off that he can put the wheel on his head.

BY, the fridge cleaner.

BK, the tax collector who only have 1sen in his pocket. ( Actually he got 1000 1sen. )

Actually, at the end, he only manage to roll it and hit the bicycle. Poor bike.

This is what happen when you don't have enough store room to keep all the junks.

A sweet couple is trying to sort the tools.

Lance and Janet looking tired after awhile.


All the books!!!!

RELAXING!!! The best way is to phone your girlfriend.

Jun trying to save his bike. poor thing.

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